Lifestyle Tips

Discovering Your Ayurvedic Dosha Type & Diet

By September 26, 2016 No Comments
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Ayurveda is a holistic science of health, focusing on maintaining a physically and emotionally balanced state. Ayurveda began about 5,000 – 6,000 years ago when Indian monks were looking for new ways to be healthy. Revering their bodies like temples, the monks believed that preserving their health would help them meditate and develop spiritually. Over thousands of years of observations, they gathered all their conclusions and advice and preserved it for future generations. This collection of knowledge came to be known as the “science or knowledge of life” — Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mix of three mind and body principles, which creates our specific mental and physical characteristics. These three principles are called doshas. Together these characteristics, create our Ayurvedic body type. Here is how you determine your dosha.

dosha nutrtion type

There are 3 Dosha types:

1. Vata Dosha — Energy that controls bodily functions associated with motion, including blood circulation, breathing, blinking, and your heartbeat. Winter is associated with this dosha, it means cold, dry air.

In balance: There is creativity and vitality.
Out of balance: Can produce fear and anxiety.

2. Pitta Dosha — Energy that controls the body’s metabolic systems, including digestion, absorption, nutrition, and your body’s temperature. Summer is associated with the pitta dosha. You are usually hot,fiery, competitive and driven.

In balance: Leads to contentment and intelligence.
Out of balance: Can cause ulcers and anger.

3. Kapha Dosha — Energy that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all body parts, moisturizes the skin, and maintains the immune system. Spring is associated with the kapha dosha. It means earthy, heavy, easy going, and hold increased water retention are all characteristics of spring time.

In balance: Expressed as love and forgiveness.
Out of balance: Can lead to insecurity and envy.

Each person has all three Doshas, but usually one or two dominate. Various Dosha proportions determine one’s physiological and personality traits, as well as general likes and dislikes. For example Vata types will prefer hot weather to cold and Kapha types are more likely to crave spicy foods than other types.

Dosha Diets and Optimal Nutrition:
Once you have learned your dosha type, you will be able to better identify your strengths and weakness and nuture them through your diet and nutrition.

dosha diet nutrition

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