Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is an extremely versatile superfood and makes for a great vegan alternative to the collagen trend right now. Diatomaceous Earth comes from the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton…
Kombucha – it’s that effervescent, tangy fermented drink that seems to be ever-growing in popularity. You’ve seen Kombucha lining health store aisles, maybe mispronounced it a few times and probably tried…
The Jujube: What is it? This small red fruit – also known as a red date, Chinese date, Korean date, or Indian date – has been used in parts of…
You may have seen these tiny, free-floating aquatic plants growing naturally on a pond, marsh, or slow-moving stream. And they may just be turning up on a dinner plate near…
Plant-sourced digestive enzymes support the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients found in your food. When taken with meals as a supplement, they work with the bodies existing supply of…
Black garlic, also known as “black gold”, is a superfood vegetable that is found to have TWICE the antioxidant levels as fresh garlic and get this: 12.5g of PROTEIN compared…
We first stumbled upon Blue Majik when we were looking for healthy vegan latte recipes. Matcha Mylk Bar from Australia featured the most delicious Smurf Latte and we knew we needed…
Each year billions of coffee beans will make their way into Americanos, lattes, and no-foam, extra-hot, triple-shot cappuccinos around the world. The beans from the coffee plant (Coffea arabica) are…